
Michele's Original Oat & Nut Butter 5-gallon bucket with blender and oar

NEW: The 5-Gallon Granola Butter Bucket

We love hearing from our customers, and we're receiving one message constantly this year: You want our granola butters in larger sizes. We hear you, and we're responding: From Michele's...

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Michele's Ginger Hemp Granola

Say Farewell to a Seed-Filled Classic

After some soul-searching and number crunching (literally!), we've made the tough decision to bid adieu to our Ginger Hemp Granola. We just baked the final batch, and we’ll continue to...

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Indigo Harvest at Black Butterfly Farm, Baltimore Farm Alliance

A Fresh Look at Give One for Good Food 2023

Did you know many of the non-profit organizations we support not only produce and distribute healthy food, they also provide agricultural training, paid internships, and other educational programming in the...

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Handmade granola, muesli and granola butter from Michele's Granola gift guide

Your Oatiful Holiday Gift Guide

With a growing variety of innOATvative products from our kitchen, we baked a little something for everyone on your list this holiday season! Consult our handy gift guide to help...

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Community Outreach from Kanbe's Market at the Clymer Center garden party

2023 Give One Grantee Profile: Kanbe’s Markets

2023 Give One for Good Food grantee Kanbe’s Markets is taking an especially inclusive approach to reducing food insecurity in Kansas City, Missouri, rooted in redirecting food waste, giving access...

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Michele's Granola on the Today Show

Michele's Granola on the Today Show

Michele's Granola and Oat & Nut Butter were ready for their closeup this week, as the Today Show featured the best of fall flavors!

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