As part of our Give One for Good Food® initiative, we committed to donating 1% of sales of our now-sold-out online exclusive Limited Edition Chocolate Lovers' Granola to the Maryland Food Bank (MFB).
You came through by purchasing more of this special flavor in the month of February than any other variety we bake!
We were so impressed by the wonderful work MFB is doing to create a more equitable, resilient and accessible food system for all Marylanders, we decided to donate 1% of sales of all Michele's Granola products, both online and in-store, for a total donation of $10,000.
In addition to the food collection and distribution and hunger relief work typically associated with a food bank, MFB has an array of programming aimed at creating pathways out of hunger, providing nutrition education, and expanding food access, including:
- FoodWorks: a 12-week, non-credit continuing education program that provides low-income students with culinary fundamentals, job training and job placement.
- School Pantry Program (Pantry on the Go): provides hungry children with staple groceries to bring home to their families during the week throughout the nine-month school year.
- Supporting Wellness at Pantries (SWAP): nutrition education via color-coded pantry food labelling to support healthy, nutrient-rich choices and moderation of less healthy foods.
- Nutritionally Focused Back Up Boxes (BUBS): 30-pound boxes of shelf stable, nutritious food, plus recipes and nutrition information, intended to provide a week’s worth of food to those in need.
We invite you to join us in supporting the Maryland Food Bank with your own donation. Learn more and donate here.