Say Farewell to a Seed-Filled Classic

Michele's Ginger Hemp Granola

After some soul-searching and number crunching (literally!), we've made the tough decision to bid adieu to our Ginger Hemp Granola.

Why we made this decision

Before you start drafting an email asking us to continue baking it, please know this was a tough but final decision.

While customer demand has been skyrocketing for every variety we bake, Ginger Hemp has been lagging, even being discontinued by several of our larger retail partners in favor of some of our newer varieties, like Salted Maple Pecan and Cocoa Chocolate Chip Granola.

We know there are devoted fans of Ginger Hemp, including many on our team (and the person writing this very post!)--there just aren't enough of you (us).

The silver lining

Here's the good news: As we bid farewell to Ginger Hemp, we’ll be able to keep other varieties and sizes in stock more consistently, and this makes room for new flavors down the road.

To all the Ginger Hemp fans out there--we hear you and see you! Thank you for being customers, and we hope you'll find another Michele's Granola variety you love just as much.

Hip kitchen tip

One last note from our kitchen to yours: You can extend the freshness of Michele’s Granola up to another six months by freezing the granola in an air-tight bag or container, so stock up, friends!

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That is a bummer – it was delightful and not too sweet and you can’t find a replacement on the market. It’s actually how I found out about Michele’s because South Block would use it in their Acai bowls and I saw the boxes stacked in the back.


This makes my heart hurt and quite frankly, I may be forced to give up all granola forever. The other flavors are really good, but they’re also pretty similar to the rest of the granolas out there. Ginger hemp stood out from the crowd, and it’s the only reason I tried Michele’s in the first place. People are silly for not giving it a chance! If you’re forever discontinuing it, can you publish the recipe so us diehard fans can still get our fix?

Sophia V

I am so sorry to hear this news. I have a nut sensitivity and the Ginger Hemp is full of seeds, which are fine for me. It still has the wonderful flavor of a “normal” granola and I have been buying it consistently for quite a few years. I will try to grab a large bag while I am still able to do so.


Such sad news to wake up to…was and always will be my favorite flavor. We’re ordering a bulk bag now. I’d fill my entire freezer up with this last batch if I could!


💔 crushing! I get it but so sad.The best of the lineup IMO.

Sad Marc

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